Royal College Doctors' Association's flagship dental project "Healthy Royal smile" is an approved project of Royal College and Royal College union .This is theĀ pioneer project which initiated in 2014 in collaboration with theĀ "Save molar project" of the Ministry of Health. " Healthy Royal smile 2023" was organized for the eighth time on 27th of June 2023 at the College premises with the encouragement of Mr.R.M.M.Rathnayake, Principal of Royal College and the Royal College Union with the guidence from Dr Ajith Thennakoon, President Of RCDA and the valuable support from the Dental surgeons and Medical officers of RCDA.
It never would have been a success without the tireless commitment of the Chief Organizer Dr.Venura Abeyrathne, Vice president of RCDA and project Co chairmans Dr Roshan Karunathilake and Dr.Lakshitha Weerawansa. We have screened 346 Grade 2 students. Children with potential risk of developing dental caries were identified
and enrolled to phase 2 of Healthy Royal smile.